S.No. | Name of the Faculty | JNTUH Registration Number | Designation | Mobile Number | Mail id | View |
1 | S.Amarnath | 5562-170108-142900 | Associate Professor & HOD | 77309 54281 | singadiamarnath@gmail.com | Profile |
2 | P Nagaraju | 7324-150411-143338 | Associate Professor | 96403 42441 | nagaraju.pulugam@gmail.com | Profile |
3 | T Prabhakar | 9710-160308-142829 | Associate Professor | 99481 79674 | prabhakarthoddi12@gmail.com | Profile |
S.No. | Name of the Faculty | JNTUH Registration Number | Designation | Mobile Number | Mail id | View |
1 | Dr.Ampati Srinivas | 57150406-145821 | Professor, Principal & HOD | 70130 27328 | drampaty@gmail.com | Profile |
2 | V.Anitha | 2808-181122-137159 | Associate Professor | 78938 87326 | Kanitha.unity@gmail.com | Profile |
3 | V Amulya | 9672-190829-104003 | Assist. Professor | 81848 84353 | amulyaunity@gmail.com | Profile |
4 | B Mounika | 7990-210704-203918 | Assist. Professor | 83094 94028 | bonaboinaunity@gmail.com | Profile |
5 | B Mahesh | 0330-220706-110608 | Assist. Professor | 77029 59961 | bandamaheshunity@gmail.com | Profile |
6 | Ch Bhanusudha | 7973-220706-125047 | Assist. Professor | 96408 73573 | bhanusudha.unity@gmail.com | Profile |
7 | P Naveen Kumar | 4217-230404-222419 | Assist. Professor | 99481 47069 | pnkunity94@gmail.com | Profile |
8 | Gajula Shailaja | 2970-230413-061901 | Assist. Professor | 9666515605 | gajulas.unity@gmail.com | Profile |
9 | Ahmad Pasha | NIL | Assist. Professor | 80745 08101 | ahmad.unity@gmail.com | Profile |
S.No. | Name of the Faculty | JNTUH Registration Number | Designation | Mobile Number | Mail id | View |
1 | Dr.V.Ravi Krishna | 8669-230406-145015 | Professor & HOD | 9989156276 | vrk0532@gmail.com | Profile |
2 | Palle Goverdhan Reddy | 0251-210705-234139 | Associate Professor & Director | 9866111190 | gpalle13@gmail.com | Profile |
3 | Mohammad Ismail | 1578-150410-111401 | Associate Professor | 9959905123 | mdismail.599@gmail.com | Profile |
4 | Muppidi Mahesh | 4190-150411-115030 | Associate Professor | 9701047580 | maheshmuppidi321@gmail.com | Profile |
5 | Akula Priyanka | 8117-210702-202557 | Associate Professor | 6304412155 | priyankaunity90@gmail.com | Profile |
6 | Angidi Sujatha | 0024-191106-115540 | Assistant Professor | 6300569796 | sujathaunity@gmail.com | Profile |
7 | Pavani V | 9568-220702-143658 | Assistant Professor | 9491661119 | Pavaniunity94@gmail.com | Profile |
8 | Poosal Srilatha | 7995-170522-161504 | Assistant Professor | 98486 69314 | Psrilatha.unity@gmail.com | Profile |
9 | V. Mounika | 4568-210705-142903 | Assistant Professor | 99890 01590 | vuppugallaunity@gmail.com | Profile |
S.No. | Name of the Faculty | JNTUH Registration Number | Designation | Mobile Number | Mail id | View |
1 | Immadi Rajiv | 4299-170206-221843 | Associate Professor & HOD | 63003 54326 | imadirajeev1990@gmail.com | Profile |
2 | K Kranthi Kumar | 0437-160303-193405 | Associate Professor | 90101 87458 | kranthi.kyatham@gmail.com | Profile |
3 | A.Ramesh | 2987-210701-214136 | Assist. Professor | 99517 55794 | unity.ramesha@gmail.com | Profile |
4 | Saleha Nayeem | 5350-220811-150558 | Assist. Professor | 91821 56788 | saleha.unity22@gmail.com | Profile |
5 | G Shirisha | 8452-220708-124435 | Assist. Professor | 84649 04451 | shirisha.unity@gmail.com | Profile |
S.No. | Name of the Faculty | JNTUH Registration Number | Designation | Mobile Number | Mail id | View |
1 | S.Amarnath | 5562-170108-142900 | Associate Professor & HOD | 77309 54281 | singadiamarnath@gmail.com | Profile |
2 | P Nagaraju | 7324-150411-143338 | Associate Professor | 96403 42441 | nagaraju.pulugam@gmail.com | Profile |
3 | T Prabhakar | 9710-160308-142829 | Associate Professor | 99481 79674 | prabhakarthoddi12@gmail.com | Profile |